Friday, May 18, 2018

The Fight Begins with Desire

“Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.” (Ps 119:133 AV)

The desire of freedom from sin is the overwhelming motive for victory from it.  If a person has no desire to be free from it, then he will not.  This desire is not a desire from the consequences of sin.  It is the desire for the sin to no longer control his thoughts, actions, and goals.  This freedom of which we are speaking as the desire to be free from the control sin has on the heart.  A freedom from dominion.

I have worked with addicts on several occasions and there are several constants.  An addict will seldom tell you all the truth.  An addict cannot see the long-term effects of his addiction.  The addict is self-centered and does not care what damage he inflicts on others.  This addict is driven purely by a physical or mental need that comes above all else.  He is often calloused against consequences.  He hardens himself against the natural results of his choices often destroying all that can be destroyed.  But there is another constant.  The fact they will never be free from their addiction until the want to be free from their addiction.  They must see it as a controlling substance or thing in their life which is robbing them of all ability to choose.  They cannot be free until the see themselves and enslaved.  The same is true of any sin.

The obese cannot be free until they see themselves as slaves to food.  The pervert cannot be free until he sees himself as a slave to immorality.  The arrogant cannot be free from pride until he sees himself a slave to his own ego.  The liar cannot be free from falsehood until he sees himself a slave to self-gain.  The lazy cannot be free from his lack of motivation until he sees himself a slave to leisure.  The angry man cannot be free from his rage until he sees himself a slave to the manipulation of others.  Not until we see ourselves as being dominated by out desires can we have the right desire to be free!  Again, not from consequences, but from the choice itself!  From the temptation itself!  Freedom!  Ah, freedom!

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