Monday, May 7, 2018

Present Help in Perceive Trouble

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.” (Ps 46:1-3 AV)

This Psalm is a prophetical one.  It specifically looks towards the physical troubles of the tribulation.  The earthquakes, floods, etc are mentioned in this psalm.  The trouble of Jacob’s trouble is compared against the strength and love of God who will safeguard His remnant.  One might contemplate the faith that will be needed to utter the above verse while looking at the earth crack open.

I am not one who does well with extreme situations that are unpredictable.  That is, until I am smack dab in the middle of them.  Moving to an area of the country where tornados are not all that uncommon was not the smartest move if my fear is unpredictable extreme situations.  My best friend is my NOAA radio!  It has taken me a while, but these storms do not freak me out as much as they did.  I am still the first one to dive into the basement.  But as long as that radio is working and the forecast is accurate, I am good.  The present help far exceeds the perceived threat.  Just this spring, there was a tornado that touched down just a few miles from our home.  I was outside listening so that I could learn what the meant by the sounds one hears.  The power lines were all resonating at the same frequency even though all the wind was a hundred feet about them.  The familiar sound of a train on the tracks we distinct, even though we could tell it was safety away.  That NOAA radio told us just where the storm was, how it was tracking, and when we could expect it to be in our area.  As long as that voice was speaking from the radio, giving us information, and warning of any possible hazards, we were good.

Our God is better than a NOAA radio.  The radio can only warn.  It cannot provide or protect.  The tribulation saint will have sufficient warning as founded in the word of God.  Nothing will be a mystery.  What is more, the LORD will provide for His remnant.  Some will be persecuted for their faith. But that just means glory all the more sooner.  We don’t know what the future holds.  But we do know who holds the future.  God is, and always will be, our very present help in time of need.

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