Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lust Hurts. True Love Doesn't

“For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.” (Pr 7:26-27 AV)

Today, fornication and adultery are so common it is not a shock anymore.  Not only in the world.  Also, in the church.  It shocks me how many people who profess the name of Christ live in sin.  It doesn’t get dealt with in our churches.  People turn a blind eye to it.  What is even worse is when professing saints encourage it.  “I know they aren’t married, but at least they settled down and love each other.”  “Finally, she found someone who will treat her right.  So what if they aren’t married.”  “He’s been so lonely since his wife left him and he’s trying to raise those kids.  It’s nice to see he found someone that will care for him and his kids.  I know that living together our of wedlock is sin, but the LORD understands.”  The excuses are countless.  “He is married to a really evil woman!  I don’t blame him if he found someone else that will treat him with respect.” “That guy is a creep.  Her husband never showed any affection.  She has the right to be happy.  Besides, he’s probably stepping out on her too.”

I have heard them all.  What the book of Proverbs tells us is those involved is sins of immorality are heading down a path of total destruction.  It could even cost them their eternal soul!  Not that one can lose their salvation.  David did not.  But of those who are lost, those in the midst of unrepentant immorality are often the hardest to win.  They will not allow their sexual sin to be a source of conviction.  They will not confront their sin of immorality, repent of it, and turn to Christ.  They would rather go to hell then to repent of their wickedness.

The world portrays sexual promiscuity as no big deal.  As something natural.  Something that should not be inhibited.  But the truth of the matter is, outside of perhaps substance abuse, spiritually speaking, sexual sin is the most captivating, controlling, and destructive of all sin.  Once entered into, it is very difficult to escape.  But escape one must!  Or there is ruin in the future.

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