Thursday, May 3, 2018

Changed Heart Results in Changes Actions

“Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.” (Ps 26:2 AV)

If you are a child of God, your struggle to overcome sin is very real.  Paul’s description of it in Romans chapter seven is overwhelmingly appropriate.  But one thing we fail to realize is the roll the heart plays in all of it.  If there is no heart to want to do right, then chastening or disciplining the will is short-lived.  There has to be a hear to do the right thing in order for the will to be consistent in doing the right thing.

Study after study has shown that organized diets for weight loss do not work.  At least in the long run.  One such study revealed those who have tried organized weight loss programs for weight loss alone soon gained back at least what they lost if not more once they were off the diet.  The thing about those diets is they focus on a gimmick and not on the heart.  I recently read of a man who lost 300 pounds because the thought of not being alive long enough to see his children grow up and get married frightened him.  He decided it was time for a life-style change.  He didn’t follow any strict calorie or point counting diet.  He simple cut out almost all carbs and sugar, changing to a high protein and vegetable diet.  No counting calories.  Not counting points.  No measuring.  None of that.  How did he do it?  The circumstances of life changed his heart about how he viewed food.  Gaining weight after a difficult divorce, he used food as a source of comfort and self-loathing.  But that came to a screeching halt when he realized his sin was killing him.

When we go to the LORD and ask forgiveness of sin, desiring to overcome the sins of which we feel guilty, if the heart is not changed concerning those things, then the will is destined for failure.  When David asks the heart be proved, he is asking the LORD to test and strengthen the heart.  Give a heart willing to change one’s actions.  Not a will that is changed with a fleeting heart that motivated it.  Change the heart and the will shall follow.

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