Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blessings for the Aged Eagle

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:…Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Ps 103:1-2, 5 AV)

Note here that God fills the mouth of the writer with good things.  Not just necessary things.  The Hebrew word for ‘…mouth…’ here means ornaments; trappings (of horses).”  The majesty of the eagle is his comparison.  Without a close examination, it would be virtually impossible to detect an older eagle from a younger one.  The majesty of the eagle as he glides through the air is equally impressive no matter the age.  David is expressing a gratitude for the regenerative nature of God’s blessings.  More so than mere necessities of life, the good thing provided for the mouth represent those things in age which the LORD sends to make us feel a little younger again.

We had the blessing of a five-day visit with our grandchildren.  The last before the head off to Brazil.  My eldest grandchild is three years old, her brother will be two in July, and the youngest is a newborn.  The three and almost two-year-old can carry on a conversation.  They understand what it is that you are saying and they respond back. The shear pleasure of talking with them as a person you can get to know is refreshing.  They ran around in our gym.  Throwing all sorts of balls around and climbing on risers.  They will keep you going as long as you can move.  When they go to bed, you are completely worn out.  Papa and Grammie learn they are not as young as they used to be.  But when they are here for a visit, it is amazing hos much youth one can muster up just to keep up with them.

This is the nature of God’s blessings.  Not merely something from which we derive pleasure, but also a means to enliven us that we might serve him with regenerated youth.  Whether it is grandchildren, a wonderful home, sustained health although it is failing, or some simple things along the path of life, these blessings are needed, welcomed, and most importantly, regenerative that we might serve the LORD with renewed strength.

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