Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Defining Moment

“Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.” (Ps 147:1 AV)

The word ‘… comely…’ means appropriate.  But that definition does not adequately describe what this word means.  It doesn’t mean appropriate as a tux for the groom. It means more than that. Not just practically or socially appropriate.  It means the perfect finishing touch on something that would otherwise not seem worthy.  Like that special musical piece at the wedding that defines the moment.  When bride and groom are holding hands just before the declaration, the soloist sings a melody that perfectly describes the nature of thus young couple’s relationship.  That one moment, event, decoration, adornment, that is the small, but centerpiece of all that surrounds it.  In any other setting, it would be out of place.  It would have no meaning.  This is what praise should be to the saint.  Without it, the saint has little luster.  Little significance in the world which he finds himself.

We are not talking of the manufactured praise promoted by the emotionally manipulative using the world’s standards of music and praise.  What we discover in this psalm is described as pleasant.  This means delightful, sweet, lovely, agreeable.  Not rousing or repetitive.  Praise is like the song of a bird in the quietness of a freshly dewed forest.  A sweet sound of clear distinction.  A reflection of the handwork of God in the miracle of that which bears the song.  This praise is a habit of life.  Not something that is motivated by good times.  It is not a response to good circumstance, but rather, the nature of the creature whom God created.

When we speak of praise on the lips of the saints, it is comely for the saint to praise the LORD regardless of the circumstances.  It is appropriate.  It is that which adds that last bit of something to his life which defines who the LORD is to him.  It is the one thing above all else that others will notice.  Thankfulness, praise, joy, etc for who and what God is tends to misdirect those who observe him from him to the LORD.  It is comely!  It is lovely!  It should be second nature.

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