Monday, May 21, 2018

Never Out of Mind

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.” (Ps 139:17-18 AV)

Imagine the fill reality of that truth.  If one could count all the thoughts which the LORD has directly toward him, it would be more than all the sand of the world.  There isn’t a calculator large enough; a computer with enough power; or, enough paper in the world to record how many grains of sand there are in the world.  We know that it is a finite number.  But practically speaking, it may as well be infinite.

We have a hard time conceiving of someone thinking of another to this extent. I love my wife dearly.  She is my best friend.  She is the most important person in my life and will always will be.  She is such a part of me that I cannot imagine one day without her.  She is an amazing person.  And I am glad she is all mine.  I think of her a lot.  But I would be lying if I said she is all that I think about.  There are times other thoughts enter the mind.  Thoughts of other areas of life.  Like when I am reading my bible or studying for a sermon, Lisa may not be on my mind.  When there are things to do for the LORD, she may not be in the forefront of my mind.  When the crosshairs are resting on a trophy buck, Lisa may not be the primary thought I am having.  However, the vast majority of my thoughts are towards her!

When it comes to the LORD and His thoughts towards us – towards you – they are infinite.  There is never a time when He is no thinking of us – of you – personally and individually.  God, who is infinite in thought, can think of all things at once.  He does not need to think linear.  He is not limited to one thought at one time.  He can think of each of us as though we are the only one in existence.  He can think of each of us individually and the center of His thoughts.  In other words, there is never a time when the LORD is not thinking of you!  How amazing is that?

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