Thursday, May 10, 2018

Always Hears

“Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.” (Ps 66:20 AV)

There is something to be said for eternal security.  There is a relationship that cannot be severed.  It can be strained by our sin, but never severed. The comfort to know that God always hears our prayers and that His mercy never fails is the security which makes repentance and reconciliation all the easier.  I feel badly for those who do not believe in eternal security.  What happens of the last time you sinned was the final straw? God would no longer hear your confession and humility.  Too late.  The most horrible thing about that thought is no one could tell a person exactly where that line is.  It could be those who had eternal life at one time crossed it further back than they realized.  But the God that I know and love always hears me and never takes away His mercy!  What a comfort that it.  To know that I can go to Him in prayer any time and any place and He will hear.  I may have to confess and repent before any other words are uttered.  But I know He always hears our prayers of confession.

As a father, I cannot say that was always the case with my sons.  There were times, although very few, that I was too busy or to angry with them at the time and I let my flesh get the better of me.  Those were rare times indeed.  I have seen others that were not so blessed.  I had this good friend in my high school years who had a father who was never there.  His father would take the family to Disney Land and buy my friend nice things.  He was a busy executive.  Too busy for his family.  Then, I had another friend who had a drunk as a father.  He was so scared of him that he rarely spoke with his dad.  There was still another who was a sports guy.  The only way his son could be close to his father was if he was successful on the field.  Then there was my best friend.  His father was also a busy sales manager for a major company.  He traveled a lot.  My friend rarely saw his father.

The comfort and security of a father is important.  Unconditional love and acceptance is the greatest security blanket we ever need.  Because of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary, we have that acceptance.  As He imputed His righteousness to all those who have placed their trust in Him, the Father sees us as righteous as His only Son.  We are accepted in Christ.  Because we are, we are always heard and His mercy never fails!

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