Tuesday, May 8, 2018

No Change, No Fear

“God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.” (Ps 55:19 AV)

When determining the genuineness of a salvation experience in ourselves or others, reaction to sin, and not sin itself, may be the best barometer.  In our verse, he that abideth of old is another way of describing an eternal God.  He is eternally eternal.  He had no beginning and He has no end.  The affliction is God’s hand of correction upon those whom He cares for and wishes to turn to Himself.  The indication they have no fear of God is a lack of change.  No matter what the LORD does, or allows, there seems to be a hardening of the heart against the LORD and no real positive change towards doing right.

Years ago, I doubted my salvation.  It seemed that no matter how much I tried, I failed to a persistent sin.  It was so discouraging.  Oft times I would ask myself, “How could someone who professes the LORD as their Savior fail time and again in this area of life?”  Then the LORD brought me to a meeting in Pensacola, Fl. wherein I was blessed by a preacher who preached out of Romans chapter seven.  He related Paul’s struggle with sin as an indication of salvation and not non-regeneration.  He remarked that is wasn’t necessarily our failures that determines the genuineness of salvation, but rather, our response to the conviction of the Holy Spirit about those failures.  I felt a load come off my shoulders!  Finally, I understood.  The fact my sin bothered me to this degree and the desire to overcome it, even if I failed more than I cared to, was an indication of the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

As a pastor, one worries for those who seem to never change.  Those who seem to never grow.  There are no decisions to be made.  There are no trips to the altar.  There are no counseling sessions.  There are no bible questions asked.  There seems to be nothing there.  One worries first and foremost of the genuineness of their salvation.  Are they truly saved?  They need to be.  But if they are, there are a world of hurts waiting for the individual who is quenching the Spirit.  There is a hard time ahead for those who do not seek and embrace change.  When there is no fear of God, God has no use for us.

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