Friday, May 11, 2018

God's Table is Better

“Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” (Ps 78:19 AV)

What was their real problem?  They were not starving.  God fed them manna from the heavens.  They complained because they lacked variety.  They didn’t lack meat for they had cattle which they brought with them.  They could have lamb chops any time they wanted.  They had goats for goat’s milk.  Oxen for beasts of burden.  Sheep a plenty. What was their problem?  They wanted to have the blessings of Egypt in the wilderness.  They wanted those things which made life a little more enjoyable while wandering is an arid land.  The challenge was not whether God could provide.  Of this they were sure.  The challenge was whether God could turn a time of trial and testing into a time of pleasure and rest.  The obvious answer is of course.  God sent them meat in the form of doves.  He sent them tender meat.  Meat full of fat.  God gave them the pleasures in the wilderness and they got sick on it.  There is never a doubt that God can send blessings.  But sometimes, the wilderness is necessary so that we can properly enjoy the blessings.

The Spirit gave me a different way of looking at this.  The children of Israel looked at their wondering only in the light of what they didn’t have.  They compared what they had in Egypt and desires the things of the world even if it meant bondage to it.  What they failed to realize is the freedom they enjoyed, even if it meant a lack of pleasure, was far more beneficial and of deeper blessings than the shallow things of the world.  Sometimes, we as God’s children complain because of the things we lack.  Perhaps the LORD is trying to teach us that perhaps if we had the things which we lack, it might be more of a hindrance to our spiritual growth than if we had them.

Some of the greatest times of ministry we have been able to experience were times in the wilderness.  The times when we didn’t have much and had to do with what we had.  My wife and I were privileged to lead a small youth group in a city church.  It started with a small group of five teenagers.  It grew to 43.  Most were senior high students.  Most were in Juniors and Seniors.  One might thing we had the best of facilities.  All we had was an 18x12 foot empty room and a small kitchen.  That was it.  No gym to run around in.  No yard to play in.  No projector.  No AV equipment.  No nothing.  What we did have was an appreciation for the truth of the word of God and the desire and hunger to learn.  The things of the world would have been more of a distraction otherwise.  God can provide in the wilderness!  He does provide in the wilderness. As long as we have our eyes on God’s priorities, we can see His beauty in a dry and arid place!

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