Sunday, May 13, 2018

Glad In His Work

“For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.” (Ps 92:4 AV)

We know what the Psalmist is saying here.  He is discouraged at with some aspects of life.  There are times of trial and persecution.  There are times when our faith is weak.  There are times when the sin which we commit, or the effects of other’s sin, results in a life that may not be as we wish.  Then the LORD does what He does and it makes it all better.  We are glad in the work of God’s hands.  It is His work that is the benefit of life.  It is His gracious hand that makes life a pleasure.  It is in what God does, and not what we do, that makes life such a blessing.  However, I want to look at this principle in a slightly different light.

Part of what God does is what He does through us.  His work includes the work which He has given to us to do for Him and by Him.  As the Holy Spirit enables us to surrender to the call of God and labor for Him, His work is accomplished, is some part, by the obedience and faith of His saints.  This is the work which I wish to dwell on this morning.

There are times when we doubt our effectiveness.  We get to the point when we don’t think we have, or are, making that much of a difference.  We wonder if the LORD used us in some significant way to affect the lives of other people.  We wonder just how significant a piece of the puzzle we are to the work of the LORD.  What we do not realize is the LORD has used us in ways we will never know and has used us to touch lives deeper than we would ever realize.  Not until something happens to reveal just how much the LORD used us are we astounded at the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is at those times we are glad.  We are glad for the opportunity to serve Him.  We are humbled at the open doors of ministry to His saints.  It is never a smooth ride.  There are always bump and accidents along the way.  But the privilege to be part of the work of the LORD, no matter how little or small, sure makes a man glad!  It makes life rich.  It makes life a wonderous blessing.

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