Sunday, December 9, 2018

Watch What One Watches

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” (Ps 101:3 AV)

It is getting increasingly harder to accomplish this feat in such a wicked world.  All one has to do is open his eyes and he is confronted with wickedness all around.  He doesn’t have to venture outside to struggle with such a thing.  Turning on the TV or reading news on the internet brings one face to face with things the eyes shouldn’t have to behold.  It seems the only choice we have it to live in a cave with not modern comforts of any kind and never venture out of this cave lest he gaze upon something that he should not view.  But note here exactly what it is the Psalmist says.  He will set no wicked thing before his eyes.  It speaks of deliberate choices of looking upon things that one should not look upon.  It means to deliberately go to places for the purpose of viewing what one should not view.  He is referring to knowingly taking in evil through the eye gate for the purpose of pleasure.  This can be accomplished no matter how evil our world is.

We have learned by experience there are certain places which we should not venture.  Going to a pool side or beach is not a good idea.  Going to a mall on a hot summer day probably is not a good idea.  Going to a secular concert is probably not a good idea.  Going to a civic function, even if well intended, that celebrates drinking as part of the events is probably not a good idea.  There are places which we should not go, and to do so, knowing that avoiding the intake of wickedness is unavoidable, is unwise.  There are other forms of wickedness which we knowingly allow.  We may even choose to actively participate.  One of the habits I tried to work hard at was to anticipate a story line before we began to watch the show.  If I knew homosexuality, immorality, vice, or any other wickedness would be tolerated or encouraged, we didn’t even bother starting the entertainment.  That went so far as atheistic political leanings as a main theme as well.  Off the TV went.  This doesn’t end with Netflix.  There are very few programs that have any redeeming value.  The movie or show will eventually contain some scene of immorality.

Of what our Psalmist is speaking is not the necessary trips into the world like the grocery store, the doctor’s office, or work where we must come face to face with temptation.  Of what he is speaking is setting things before our eyes as a calculated plan to tantalize the flesh.  This is what he chooses to reject.  No planned viewing of any and all wickedness that will enter the mind and eventually work itself out in the flesh.

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