Sunday, December 23, 2018

Don't Get Mad - Get Glad

“The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.” (Ps 126:3-5 AV)

There is so much in these three verses that it seems a bit disjointed.  In verse three, the writer expresses his gladness in the great things which the LORD has done for him.  This is in the present tense.  Verse four is a request to turn again the captivity of which the writer is experiencing.  Then he observes that those who are presently sowing life’s experiences in tears will eventually experience joy.  How can this all be?  How can the writer say that he is both glad and sowing in tears?  How can these two emotions co-exist?  I know they can for they have in the past and they are in the present.

In many ways, this Christmas will be a difficult one.  Come Christmas morning, those who will be absent will be far more obvious than those who will be here.  It will be the first Christmas that I don’t call come to have a laugh or two with my mother.  She departed this life this past spring.  No more recollections of the Christmas cookie factory the Saturday after thanksgiving.  No more remembering the popcorn and cranberry stringers, the ribbon candy, the hideous looking Christmas tree that made Charlie Brown’s tree look like a million dollars.  No more chuckles about the adversities of life.  She was a master at that.  Always finding the humorous side of the tragedies of life.  This Christmas will be the first one where none of our children will be with us.  All our old friends will be with their families and our new ones busy with theirs.  No record-breaking packages under the tree.  No large turkey in the oven.  Life changes whether we like it or not.

But there are far more blessings than there are challenges.  With these tears also comes gladness.  Gladness that God had blessed me with the saintliest mother a boy could ever ask for.  Second only to the virgin Mary, my mother was a godly woman.  Even though my sons cannot bring their families with them for this Christmas, it is for a good reason.  They are busy, fulling pulpits in different parts of the world.  My grandchildren are growing up with examples of what it is like to sacrifice for the glory of God.  Their parents love the LORD more than anything.  And, the best part of it all is that without family around, I get to fall in love with my wife in deeper ways than we haven’t in a very long time!  Woohoo!  So, yes, there are tears of sorrow.  But there are also grins of gladness.  God has been good.  He always has been.  There will be joy again. For now, gladness is perfect.

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