Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Precious, Priceless Peace

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Lu 2:14 AV)

Not much is said of the treasure of peace.  Peace if often seen as a compromise.  It doesn’t need to be.  Peace comes when one’s cause is satisfied.  God did not compromise that mankind might have peace with Him.  This is the peace which is spoken of in our verse.  Peace with God.  Peace is a treasure.  There is nothing like peace.  There are no words to adequately describe it.  Those who believe their life’s mission is to disturb the peace truly do not understand the depth of the blessings of peace.

As I write this, it is Christmas morning.  It is extremely quiet.  Which is rare, considering where I live.  I live on a busy street in the city of Milwaukee.  On average, there is on vehicle about every twenty seconds going past our house.  It is very busy.  Some of those vehicles are construction vehicles.  The fire department is only one block over is they go on a run about once every thirty minutes or so.  Sirens are more common than bird’s song.  But an amazing thing happened.  Christmas came.  There is such quiet and peace, it is almost stunning.  The LORD provided a blanket of snow so even the sounds of distant traffic are muted.  I have a fire burning in my virtual fire place and the crackling of the wood is a sound so beautiful it defies words.  Not a sound but the beauty of a fire.  Reading God’s word in the quietness of the morning is something worth every moment of salvation.  If Heaven is anything like this, it will be wonderful beyond words.

But the source of this peace is deeper then mere auditory input.  This peace goes way down deep in the soul.  The peace which comes from knowing one is forgiven of all his sins is a peace that passeth all understanding.  As we reflect upon the greatest gift ever give – that being the free gift of salvation found in the offering of God’s dear Son – we realize just how peaceful life can be.  No more animosity between the sinner and his Creator.  Unconditional love and acceptance found in the cross of Calvary is a love that cannot even be understood.  Knowing that no matter what happens in this life, there is an eternity just waiting to begin for our souls.  Knowing that we are secure in the hand of our Creator and Redeemer is a peace that the world does not know.  And the tragic thing is, many do not want to know.  They do not know what they are missing.  What a glorious day!  A wonderful day to be grateful for the peace that cometh to every person who will repent of their sin and place their faith in the Son of God to save them from that sin.  I pray you have done so, and if not, you will consider the greatest gift ever given.  The gift of incomprehensible peace with God by the blood of His dear Son!

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