Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Understand Brings Compliance

“Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.” (Ps 119:33-34 AV)

Psalm 119 uses several words to describe the word of God.  Testimonies, commandments, word, law, and statues.  They do have different meanings.  They all point to the same thing.  The standards by which the saint should order his life is the general meaning of all.  But the specific meaning of each word is tremendously helpful.  In our passage, we want to consider the meaning of the word ‘statute’.  It means “a prescribed boundary.”  This implies some truths.  A boundary is a border one cannot cross.  He is free to roam within the boundary, but the boundary is a barrier to a place he should not go or does not belong.  Often, crossing a boundary brings undo harm.  David wishes to know the way of this boundary.  He wishes to learn the purpose for the boundary and the application of such a restriction of life.  He knows it is for his own good, but he desires to know it so well that it can be applied in all areas of life effectively, resulting in blessings of life.

Recently, I heard of some exploits of some of my members.  They were speaking of some thrill experiences in which they embarked which no normal human being in their right mind would consider.  It started out with a discussion of parachuting.  It evolved into bungee jumping.  Then there was a discussion of the slingshot ride at amusement parks or state fairs.  Then one of these self-avoid dare-devils expressed the desire to attempt the gliding suit.  Do you know what that is?  It is a winged suit a person wears as he jumps out of a perfectly good airplane and sails through the air like a bird taken to flight.  There are certain statutes which the LORD has given that we are not created to tempt.  One of those is gravity!  There is a boundary the LORD has given and we need to learn to live within its constraints.  Partly yielding, but partly understanding, I person will never hazard their lives due to gravity if his feet are firmly planted on the ground.

The word of God is the same way.  David is asking for understanding.  Not that obedience necessarily depends upon it.  What he is asking is for more understanding that he might be increasingly devoted to applying the statutes in areas in which he knows they apply, and learning new ways in which the same statute applies.  He is not asking for God to justify the statute in his own mind so that he can submit.  He is asking to understand it so that his heart can be fully committed, resulting in the pursuit of conformity rather than be forced to do so.  We need to know the word of God.  Better and better it needs to mature in our heart.  We need to submit without question.  But it doesn’t hurt to ask for understanding that we might be fully devoted to it.

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