Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Always Increasing Mercy

“For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.” (Ps 89:2 AV)

The depth of God’s mercy is incomprehensible to the mind of man.  If we would just ponder the thought of that truth.  Too many believe there are set limits to God’s mercy.  We may believe there comes a time when God will not forgive.  Some believe that God’s mercy only meant to extend to a select few.  Our verse above teaches the wondrous truth that God’s mercy in is in an infinite stage of increase.  God’s mercy is built up forever.

Have you ever taken on a project that continuously grew in scope and vision?  It started out as a simple project and there was a goal in mind.  But when you saw how, in the process, the dream got bigger and the enjoyment of it grew stronger that it was hard to quit?  Us hunters know oh so well how this can go.  We are granted access to a new piece of property.  We scout it out and set our stands.  As the months and years pass, we discover new possibilities and either purchase more stands to set up, or move around the stands we already have.  I have such a friend.  We call him Bunk.  Bunk is the greatest guy in the world.  A hunting buddy only second to my own son.  Bunk has cornered the market on deer stands.  We have spent many a fall scouting out new places for more stands.  It is quite easy to get carried away when you have access to almost 1,000 acres.  The possibilities are endless.  Every early fall, and throughout the season, my good friend Bunk and I would be setting up and moving stands all over the place.  No kidding, by buddy has more stands on that one piece of property than all the stands at all the Walmart stores in a single district.   We are talking bordering on an obsession here.

This reminds me of how God’s mercy is built up.  There are infinite applications of God’s mercy if one were to consider all the souls who are in need of it and in every circumstance in which they would call upon it.  We serve and worship a great and merciful God.  If we would simply stop our busy lives long enough to consider God/s holiness, our sinfulness, and the mercy which He extends to overcome such a paradox, it would truly and radically change our lives.  If we were to ponder just how forgiven we truly are, then perhaps we wouldn’t fall so easily into the sins which doth so easily beset us.  We truly are in the hand of a merciful God whose mercy never fails and is growing infinitely.

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