Saturday, December 8, 2018

Light 'er Up

“Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” (Ps 97:11-12 AV)

Light here is the light of life.  Not merely biologically alive, but that which gives life its life.  This is why we see other words like gladness, rejoice, and thanks.  There is a key here.  The key is righteousness and upright in heart.  Sin causes misery.  Sustained misery.  Righteousness and uprightness bring life, gladness, joy and thanks. 

It is difficult to see light in our current dark and evil world.  No matter where we turn, we see only that which displeases God.  It saddens my heart how much Christ has been taken out of Christmas.  I was reminded, again, of how much the God-haters want to remove all of what Christmas is about from the celebration of the holiday.  Exactly what is it they are celebrating?  The latest absolutely moronic statement from the God-hating ignorant pagans is that Mary did not give consent to her pregnancy of Christ.  This is absolutely out-of-this-world nuts for two reasons.  Plain ignorance of the scriptures for one.  Luke 1:38 was Mary’s statement of consent.  So, let’s stop the foolishness.  But even more than that, for the God-haters to insinuate that Mary was pregnant without her consent is to agree that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit with the Son of God, the Savior of the world.  So, in their stupidity, those who hate God just made a declaration that Jesus Christ is real, that He is the Son of God, and that he came to save mankind.  Thank you for the witness!

But, I digress.  No wonder we read stories of arguments and violent outbreaks during the holiday shopping season.  No wonder we ponder if the suicide rate increases around the holiday season.  Bah-humbug is often the expression on the faces of many as they prepare to celebrate a holiday with the central figure of that holiday completely removed.  Righteousness and uprightness of heart, and not a Godless nation or world is the source of the light of life.  Knowing that Christ came to this earth to die for our sins, that we might be the righteousness of Christ in Him, is the light of life.  This life will pass.  Those who have repented of their sin and humbly placed their faith in the sacrifice of Christ have the light of life.  As long as we strive to walk in the righteousness granted us, we have the light of life.

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