Sunday, December 30, 2018

No Question

“The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.” (Ps 145:17 AV)

In a world so full of evil, it is easy to doubt such a verse.  If God is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his thoughts, then why is there evil in the world?  Why are there innocent victims?  Why doesn’t God do something about it?  These questions have been asked since the dawn of man.  More so as we see the day approaching.  What these questions represent are not so much as a curiosity, but and accusation.  Those that persist in asking these questions are not truly interested in the answer.  Rather, they desire to accuse God of being unfair and thus not worthy of their submission.  This is false and dangerous for several reasons.

First, even if God is as cruel as they desire to think Him to be, lack of submission isn’t going to make anything better.  It may make things even worse.  Even if the accusation were true, it doesn’t make God disappear.  Even if the accusation of an unfair God were true, God is still omnipotent.  Even if one were able to successfully prosecute God for being unfair, what then?  The standing of the accuser hasn’t changed.  God is still God.  These are all predicated on the falsehood that God is unjust and unfair.  All this does is give the rebel a ‘just’ cause for rebellion.  It doesn’t change his or her eventual and eternal outcome.

But let us not forget that God did not introduce wickedness into His creation.  Evil was the product of beings with the ability to choose.  First the devil, then Adam and Eve.  God did not force them to choose evil.  In fact, He warned them of the consequences of sinful choices. Yet, they decided to choose anyway.  The reason why there is evil in the world is not the fault of God.  Adam and Eve had just as much freedom to refuse the fruit as they did to eat of it.  Wickedness is all on us.  Not on God.

Lastly, let us remember that God is not required to exercise justice according to our terms or in our time.  There will come a day of reckoning.  All will have to answer for the sins of their life.  Some have done so before hand and pleaded the mercy of God in the blood of Christ.  Most will not.  God’s justice will be according to His terms and in His time.  He has all of eternity to set things right regardless of how much we have suffered at the hands of others.  He will judge.  This is the comfort of the saints.  So, when the Psalmist makes the statement as he did above, it is absolutely true!  One thousand percent.  God is righteous in all is ways and holy in all His works.  Period!  One the self-righteous would think otherwise.

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