Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Happy Thoughts

“My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.” (Ps 104:34 AV)

What we choose to dwell on is generally what defines our demeanor.  The understanding of meditation is not mere passing thoughts.  It is the deliberate exercise of the mind.  The difference is like throwing a ball for a few minutes, verses a regimen of resistance training.  Meditation takes discipline.  To meditate means thoughts not aligned with the objective are not allowed.  Blocking out thoughts that would run contrary to the main idea is a discipline.  Note the Psalmist states emphatically the meditation of God will be sweet.  Therefore, there are certain truths that can be implied.

The meditation of the Psalmist upon the LORD does not regard the justice of God.  At least as it applies to his own transgressions.  The only way he could be free from these meditations is confession of, and forgiveness from, sin has already been acquired.  The meditation of the Psalmist does not include any aspect of God’s character that is unsavory because he is right with God.  Therefore, the meditation of the heart of the Psalmist is sweet because he communion with God is sweet.  The Psalmist also chooses define all other thoughts in the context of the sweetness of God.  If there are troubles or trials of life, he chooses to block those thoughts that would question the goodness of God.  This is the objective of the Psalmist.

This year has been a difficult one for me.  My mother passed away in March.  It will be the first Christmas that I cannot call her and reminisce about all the memories she painstakingly labored in that we might have a blessed Christmas.  The cookies, the cranberry and popcorn stringers, and baby Jesus wrapped in tinfoil until Christmas morning.  I had to say goodbye to a church family in which I fell in love.  Wonderful people who I had to privilege to pastor for almost a decade.  I had to say goodbye to my son, his wife, and our three of our grandchildren as the went off to the mission field.  It has been a difficult 2018.  But through it all, my wife and I determined to tell ourselves to remember the blessings of what we had are greater then that which we have lost.  God is good.  All the time.  To quote David once again, “For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.” (Ps 21:6 AV)

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