Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Infinite Compassion and Faithfulness

Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry: And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.” (Ps 106:44-45 AV)

The context is the events recorded in the book of Judges.  Israel repeatedly backslid, falling into the dominion of a heathen neighbor, only to cry out, seeking the mercy of the LORD.  God heard their cries each and every time, rescuing them from their oppressors when revival came to their hearts.  There were two guiding attributes which stirred the hand of God.  God’s compassion on the people of His creation and the fact He made a covenant with them that could not be broken.  God’s compassion and faithfulness is that which keeps us from God’s wrath.

Lately, the Spirit has reminded me just how compassionate and patient our God is to us.  We may not be Israel, but we have some covenants, too.  We are the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ, and nothing can ever change that.  He has promised to be our Father for all of eternity, and not matter what we fail to do, He will never forsake us.  This covenant is what guarantees God’s involvement in every aspect of our lives.  He will not allow us to go down the road of foolishness without intervening on our behalf.  We have been very fortunate with the sons of which God has blessed us.  They have never rebelled against us nor against he LORD.  One observation which I find precious is the compassion a godly parent has on a severely erring child.  It is remarkable how that parent can love a child that is in serious rebellion against God and eventually win them back to the LORD.  Sometimes it is to a fault and results in just the opposite.  There has to be a balance between compassion and authority.  All compassion will not result in true repentance.  All authority will drive them away.  But when I observe a parent who can keep that balance, encouraging their son or daughter to repent, it is a beautiful thing to watch. 

This is exactly what the LORD does.  He will allow us to suffer the consequences of choices, but when we cry out in repentance, He will regard our situation.  What is most amazing about this truth is there are no limits.  At least from God’s point of view.  The only factor that would limit the compassion of God is our lack of repentance.  As long as we realize and admit our fault, God is ready to forgive and restore.  It could happen several times, or it could happen countless times.  To the LORD who has infinite mercy, He is always ready to hear the cries of the truly repentant, seeking to restore the contrite to a place of mercy, grace, and love.

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