Saturday, December 22, 2018

Watch For It

“Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us.” (Ps 123:2 AV)

I have been asked of the secret of serving God with one’s life by more sincere believers that I can remember.  There really is no secret.  The deep truth that lies at the core of being used of God is not all that deep.  The principle that guides the successful warrior of Christ is really not all that complicated.  The fellow-laborer who desires to be arm and arm with other servants of Christ need not study deep theological truths as the sole activity to gain such a calling.  It really boils down to one simple truth.  Go where God bids and do what God asks.  Make that a pattern of life and God will use you in ways that you cannot even imagine.

Note something very important in the verse above.  Notice it is the eyes and not the hands which are mentioned as waiting upon God.  Yes, the hands and feet will follow.  But it is the eyes that are the first to surrender to the bidding of God.  It is the eyes that are searching for ways in which to serve.  The hands and feet will only do what which the eyes notice.  In the days of monarchies, the servant’s job was to watch for any and all potential needs his potentate might have.  He was to know his king is such an intimate way that he could anticipate most desires or needs.  Even to the management of the kingdom.  The wiser the king, the more he surrounded himself with servants and leaders who could anticipate his vision for the kingdom.  The mistress, or wife, of the home would hire a maiden who could anticipate any and all needs.  She would be a lady of extreme observational skill.  She would know her mistress’ tastes in style, her personality as exhibited in society, and her values as to rearing the children.  She would never ever do anything that would embarrass her mistress.  She would be out of the way, but also in the middle of things.  She would garner no attention but be ever present to serve the needs of her mistress.

Many see service as something one earns.  Like a promotion at work.  But this is not what Christ taught.  The LORD stated, “Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Mt 23:10-11 AV) As one learns to humble him or herself, seeking any and all opportunities in which to serve our Master, then and only then will God use him or her in ways that would boggle the mind.  There is a joy of service that few really appreciate.  There are untold blessings from the ability to anticipate the will of God and do it.  This is one of the many blessings of knowing the LORD.  To please Him with our whole heart, mind, soul, and will is a great treasure.

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