Thursday, December 20, 2018

Greater Purity, Greater Love

“Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” (Ps 119:140 AV)

There are consequences for that which we believe or teach.  The error that the word of God is not perfectly pure is one of those doctrines that has caused much grief among God’s people.  The fact that the false doctrine of human neglect or faulty scholarship has led to an imperfect Bible, or worse, that a perfect Bible is impossible has had unintended consequences.  That being, the people of God have lost their love for it.  In our verse, the writer clearly states that his love for the word of God is tied to its purity.  He loves it because it is pure.  Which means, the opposite is also true.  The less pure we believe the word of God is, the less we will love it.

When I was tasked with shopping for an engagement ring for my soon to be bride, it was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have ever had.  A mutual friend of ours sent us to a small jeweler in the downtown area.  One of those shops that was family owned and somewhat exclusive.  As the owner, who was good friends with our mutual friend, took the time to explain the four ‘C’s of diamonds, I felt myself falling in love with perfection.  Carat, cut, color, and clarity.  I was particularly mesmerized with the third – clarity.  He brought out one sample after another.  From the least clear to the most.  Perfection was addicting.  It was rather amazing in the fact that this owner was educating the poorest man in town of things he could only hope to one day afford.  He finally showed me one of the best quality diamonds he had.  It was in the tens of thousands of dollars.  It was right there and then I decided that since I will never be able to afford perfection, I might as well get the best that I could afford.  The point is, perfection has an alluring factor to it.  The more perfect something is, the more naturally attractive it is.

Which brings us to our point.  Scholars and scoffers alike have done a great disservice to the people of God by peddling this idea the word of God was only perfect in the originals.  There is no way they can prove this unless they had a copy of them.  Which we do not.  Which also means their position is just as much a position of faith as those who believe God has protected and preserved His word perfect and without error, even in the translation process.  Why would I want to rob the people of God of enjoyment in that which is pure?  Why would I want to dissolve a love for God’s word because academia has more faith in their reason then they do in the power of God?  No wonder music, drama, fellowships, and programs are more important to the people of God than His word.  We simply do not believe it to be pure anymore.

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