Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What Are We Afraid Of?

“I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,” (Isa 62:6 AV)

This passage is clearly one for the millennium.  The city of Jerusalem will know nothing but peace.  They will have no threats actual or future.  They will abide safely in the presence of the promised Messiah and our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Their security guaranteed, the job of those who keep the wall need no longer be to warn of threats.  Their job will be to declare the majesty and wonder of the One who reigns within and without.  They are to declare His glory to a world that desperately needs Him more than they realize.  Security in the reign of Christ results in uninterrupted praise and glory for her King and LORD!  Which brings us to a great application for today’s saint.  If the guaranteed security and provision of a Messiah results in uninterrupted praise from Jerusalem, seeing we have the same, is our praise continual?  Putting it another way, if our praise is not continual, what do we fear?

 In the days of old, when one watched on the wall, he could not be preoccupied with the events within the walls.  Good or bad.  His job was to look out upon the landscape or sea, watching for an advancing enemy often disguised among its surroundings.  His job was to stay alert and he could not be distracted with the happenings of his own city.  If there was a celebration in town, that was none of his concern.  It would often be the case when and enemy attacked, they would do so in times of celebration.  Think of Babylon.  When Belteshazzar was in a drunken party, the Medes and Persians entered the city by a dried-up aqueduct.  They were busy celebrating in the palace and had no idea the enemy was right outside the gates.  The communication of the watchmen was inward.  They would advance a warning of they detected anything suspicious.  Unless someone approached the gate, they had no communication to those without.

Now, things are quite the opposite.  There is nothing to fear.  Jesus Christ sits on His throne.  There is no threat without.  Now, the job of the watchmen is to declare the grace and glory of their King!  We are saved and on our way to heaven.  It matters not what the world decides to do or what it will do.  We are eternally secure.  Sure, we will suffer trouble while here on earth, but this is only temporary.  Our troubles will soon be over.  Our home is in that heavenly city.  Where rust and moth do not corrupt.  Where no wicked thing will enter therein.  We cannot lose what had been given to us by grace.  Therefore, we cannot keep silent.  Our message is outward.  A message of invitation.  Let us not keep silence for there is truly nothing to fear.

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