Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sweet Dreams

“My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.” (Ps 63:5-7 AV)

What we meditate upon in the stillness of the evening or the first part of the morning tells us a lot about our relationship with the LORD.  David makes a practice of meditating upon the goodness and the faithfulness of the LORD is spite of life’s troubles when the day comes to a close or when the day breaks at its birth.  He has decided to dwell upon the glories of the LORD instead of any and all other thoughts that could enter his mind.  This is the joy of the day.  The refrain of the evening.

They say that you often dream of the last thing one observes or thinks of when sleep finally arrives.  I don’t know how true that is.  I used to dream quite a bit of flying to London, but there are always difficulties.  I miss my flight.  The plan never gets off the ground.  If it does, it arrives in really weird ways.  It may land on an overpass or arrive at the wrong gate.  My luggage never comes.  Things like that.  I must say, to my knowledge, there were no thoughts of vacationing to London that went through my head just before sleep came.  But this does raise a question.  If our dreams are a reflection of life’s anxieties, why not go to sleep rehearsing just how good God has been.  This might bring about a release from the anxieties of life so that we do not bring them with us in slumber.  Maybe of we spent those quiet times in reflection of the greatness of God, perhaps we would feel more at peace when rest is our abode.  Rather than worry, maybe the old song “counting your blessings” is what we need to do.

God is faithful.  He is faithful all the time.  Our fault lies in that which we desire to meditate upon.  God our Father cares for us far more than we will ever realize.  He loves us enough to sacrifice His only Son.  He loves us for more than we deserve.  He will not abandon us.  He cannot abandon us.  If we would use those quiet moments to think upon the moral character of the One we worship, then joy is the natural result!  Oh, let us think on His goodness towards the children of men.  Let us contemplate just how blessed we are!  Then we can go to sleep and rise again with joy on our lips.

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