Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Unfathomable Pleasure of God

“Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.” (Isa 53:10-11 AV)

What kind of love would see the bruising of one’s only Son as a pleasure?  Considering this bruising is on behalf of a world in rebellion against the Father who is experiencing pleasure, them makes even less sense.  The only explanation is divine love.  Divine love for the sinner at the expense of His own Son’s welfare.  To think that a father would take pleasure in the torture and death of his own son on behalf of people who didn’t even care to know him is unfathomable.  This love is beyond our own comprehension.  The love which the Father and the Son have for the sinner cannot be understood.  Not in this life, or the next.

I have three sons.  These sons are very precious to me.  Like any normal parent, I favor my three sons over any other child.  When I felt they were not being treated fairly, I advocated on their behalf.  When it came to sports, I rooted for my three sons more than any other child.  Even if that child’s parents were close friends or acquaintances.  Such was the case when they played on the same High School basketball team.  Since my three sons played together quite a bit during summer caddy season, they knew how to communicate as a team.  They would regularly dominate the basketball court at the local golf club caddy shack during down times in between loops.  This translated to success on the basketball court in the High School sports season.  This did not sit well with other parents.  They wanted their sons to rotate in and out with as much frequency as my boys.  If the coach was not so focused on winning, that may have been the case.  And probably should have been.  However, as a proud parent, I rooted for my sons to have as much playing time and success on the court as anyone.  Sacrifice their success for others who may not appreciate it?  Take the criticism and judgmentalism when they are only trying to help out the team?  Become the focal point of prejudice and hatred from others who did not even like them for the sake of making all those who belonged winners?  Needless to say, I wasn’t pleased.  I was proud, but not pleased.

The difference is divine love.  Love that we cannot understand.  Love that says He takes pleasure in the sacrifice of His only Son and the abuse at the hands of those who would never appreciate it that some might repent and believe.  It is divine love unlimited and without prejudice that finds pleasure in the completely selfless act of death for those who disdain him.  What amazing love!

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