Friday, November 23, 2018

Strangers Can Become Friends

“For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul: they have not set God before them. Selah.” (Ps 54:3 AV)

The interesting thing about this verse is the people to whom David refers as strangers are in relation, closest to him.  He is speaking of Saul, of course, and also of the Ziphites.  The Ziphites are inhabitants of Ziph, a town in the tribal territory of Judah.  David is from Judah.  This psalm is written in reflection of their loyalty to Saul over him.  They informed Saul of David’s hiding place within their territory.  This being the area of Judah, the least they could do was not mention his whereabouts but also honor the king by not providing David with necessities of life.  They, at the least, could have remained neutral.  They didn’t and that is why David refers to them as strangers.  The acted exactly opposite of what they were and became strange people in the process.

We have a saying when someone acts the exact opposite of what we expect resulting in some harm to us being done.  “I don’t know you!”  We do know them.  And rather intimately, too.  What we are saying is that we never knew they were the person which we are presently witnessing.  They have become a person that we didn’t know.  A stranger.  David is lamenting the fact that people he thought he knew turned out toe be completely different than what he expected.  This is one of the loneliest times in the service of a leader.  When others of whom he has come to rely turn out to be something different than what he thought they were, all of a sudden, that leader becomes very lonely.  He realizes for the first moment there are times when it is just he and the LORD.  He loves his people.  But he realizes that part of leadership is being in front.  That means there are times when there are very few at one’s side.

This is when a leader will truly understand the importance of a personal and intimately close relationship with the LORD is of the highest priority and value.  It is when he realizes that in order to lead, all others are following.  It means that although he can depend upon people for his success, there are some times when the only one he upon whom he can depend is the LORD.  It is at that exact moment when the world consists of he and the LORD alone.  It is in those times when God becomes the most real.  Yes, there will be times when people become strangers.  Saul remained that way.  But the Ziphites did not.  They changed.  And people will do just that.  They may be strangers one day, but don’t give up on them.  They may be your closest friends tomorrow.

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