Sunday, November 11, 2018

There's No Time Like The......Past or Future

“But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.” (Ps 13:5-6 AV)

The greater part of this Psalm is David’s complaint of and release from oppression.  The enemy (and we can assume either Saul or Absalom) has overwhelmed him to the point of agonizing prayer to the LORD for release.  He is seeking deliverance from and impossible situation but he doesn’t wait for that deliverance as his only source of strength.  In these two verses, we find David drawing his strength from the experiences of the past and his hope of the future.  He refuses to live completely captive to the situation of the present.  He may not be able to change the circumstances of the present, but he refuses to fall victim to it.  He must endure through it. Yet, he will not allow it to defeat him.  While he patiently waits for the deliverance from God, he remembers how faithful God was in the past and he remembers that God is a God of salvation, which is always future.

If we haven’t changed our modus operandi, then God does not either.  Taking into account that our situation is not caused by our own wickedness, our situation will get better.  Even if it is the chastening hand of God, as long as we respond to it and allow the Spirit to have His perfect work, then these circumstances do change.  David knows by life’s experience that God is merciful.  He knows this so well that he promises there will come a time in which he rejoices in the salvation of God.  He can say this with all certainty because of the LORD’s track record in the past.  The lion and bear, Goliath, the Jebusites, the Philistines, etc.  These times and more God delivered David.  This all brings us to our point. 

Living in the present tense is not the wisest in all circumstances.  We plan our future by saving up for retirement.  We buy a house in the hope that it increases its value and over time, it will be paid off with no more mortgage payment.  We enter dates and appointments on our calendars.  We even plan a vacation or two.  When the holidays roll around, our tradition is to sit and reminisce about some of the past experiences and happy times of family and friends.  Living only in the moment can be a good thing.  Soaking up a sunrise or sunset, enjoying a really good cup of coffee on a peaceful morning, or watching one’s children or grandchild sleeping in their crib.  Those moments are precious.  But those moments are not common. The present is filled with challenges and trials one must overcome.  It is often looking back to see how far the LORD has brought you and looking forward to that finish line which makes the present race doable.  Keep your eyes on the prize and remember how far you’ve come and the LORD will get you to the finish line.

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