Monday, November 5, 2018


“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” (Isa 57:1 AV)

This verse is very interesting.  One wonders if it is prophetical.  Specifically speaking, the response of those who we remain after the rapture.  Will they even consider what has transpired?  The disappearance of millions in the twinkling of an eye has to raise eyebrows.  At least one would think so.  If one moment our bible-believing churches are filled and the next, empty, it would seem to be obvious the world would sit up, take notice and change something.  Yet, if this verse is prophetical, they may notice, but they will not consider.

How can this be?  Several years ago, there was a riot in a major city.  The crowds were out of control.  I remember watching a news station as the reporters were covering the activities.  The camera would zoom in on a group of people smashing windows of local businesses, entering those businesses, and looting what they could.  At various points in the coverage, the camera crew and reporter were a little too close for their own safety.  It was at this time that police with riot gear would enter and extract those who were covering this event.  The crowd seemed to be oblivious to both the news crews and the police who were protecting them.  They were so intent on their criminal behavior, they took no notice of those who were extracted and were completely unaware of the police presence that awaited them.  Perhaps this is the truth which lies above.

This is human nature.  We miss the warning signs of judgment to come.  A doctor’s check up reveals some health issues that will eventually lead to more serious symptoms resulting in death, yet we ignore them and continue right on down the line of poor stewardship.  We ignore nature’s response to coming inclement weather and march right on to our tree stand or the lake side.  What is unfortunate is the world will continue on the path of rebellion against her Creator without considering the righteous are removed that judgment might come.  It is better to get right with God before we fail to realize His justice is coming.

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