Thursday, November 8, 2018

Peace in Truth - The God of Truth

That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from mine eyes.” (Isa 65:16 AV)

The only way to be truly blessed is in the presence of the God of truth.  The God of truth.  Not just any God.  But the only God.  The God of truth.  Not just the God of mercy.  Not just the God of love.  Not just the God of provision and protection.  But, the God of truth.  By the way, these are all the same God.  Truth is the foundation upon which our human experience is defined.  Truth is that which reveals the ‘why’.  It is that attribute of God (like holiness) that is a foundational attribute upon which all others relate.  Truth answers all questions and gives purpose for all plans.  Truth reconciles that which seems to be at odds.  Truth is what justifies God’s actions and explains His motives.  Truth is what brings peace to the soul when life seems like it does not make sense.  The God of truth is the God who brings blessings untold.

Life changes.  Rarely is life nothing but good news.  There are times of sickness as well as times of health.  There are times of want as well as times of sufficiency.  There are times of joy as well as times of sorrow.  There are times of righteousness as well as wickedness.  There are times when things are fair and times when injustice prevail.  There are times of harvest and times of dearth.  Life is not consistent.  The one comfort we have is we serve a God of truth.  There is a reason for it all and that reason in in the mind of a God that has no contradiction.

We are seeing our world and nation falling apart around us.  For a generation that has as much information as we have, truth is obscured through the trees.  In a generation where truth can be distorted and manipulated, we are constantly on edge.  We do not know what is.  We know what we perceive.  But that which we perceive may not be what really is.  People are miserable.  They are frightened.  They are rioting in the streets.  They are tearing each other apart because lies and misdirection are the fodder of the day.  Only in a personal relationship with the God of truth can one find peace and contentment.  Only knowing with no shadow of a doubt that God doesn’t change is what brings blessing and stability to an otherwise tumultuous life.  God is the God of truth.  Only in Him do we find blessedness.

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