Saturday, November 10, 2018

Time to Win

“Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.” (Ps 9:19-20 AV)

Great verses for today.  There is so much which is unacceptable to the LORD plaguing our world that it is a wonder He has not returned yet.  I will not go through that laundry list.  It suffices to say our days are no better than the days of Noah.  The LORD Jesus has to come back.  And soon.  Otherwise, there will be nothing left worth redeeming.

The above verses may seem ‘judgy’.  At least that is what the world and contemporary Christ would say.  They would quote Matthew chapter seven as the only passage worth knowing.  Judge not lest you be judged.  What they often forget is what follows.  Lest you be judged in the same manner.  I’m ok with that!  If I judge sodomy as evil, you can judge me for sodomy.  If I judge rebellion against God as evil, then I will go under the same microscope.  What this does not mean is all are free from moral judgement simply by virtue is the absence of a perfect human being to judge.  Sorry, softy.  That is not biblical.  The fact of the matter is, the human race has rebelled against her Creator from day eight.  We have turned our back on God and lived according to our own values and lusts.  We have rejected all forms of righteousness and expect the God who created us to accept us as we are.  No judging.  As a saint of God, I for one and tired of it all.

I am tired of mankind running rough shod over righteousness.  I am tired of the human race making a mockery of what God expects of them.  From the world’s governments, to world-wide entertainment, to our educational icons, to civil and social collectives, mankind has united against God.  This level of rebellion and wickedness has not been to this level since Noah’s day.  It is time for the LORD to do something.  I want the LORD to win!  I want His glory to fill His creation.  He made it all and had every right to expect that for which He has created it all.  Who are we to think any different?  It is time!  Time for God to do something.  Time for God to do everything.  Time for the LORD to reclaim and redeem that which He took so great a care in creating.  Let not man destroy what rightly belongs to God!

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