Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Will to be Broken

“And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Mt 21:44 AV)

On the face of it, this verse doesn’t seem all that encouraging.  But it is.  Being broken is not necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, it is a good thing.  As long as one chooses to be broken.  Being ground to powder, not so much.  I thank the LORD that He breaks me.  It is a hard experience, but a cleansing one for sure.  An experience that brings me to the core of who and what I truly am so that He can build me back up to what He desires me to be.  This experience removes all pretense and reveals what otherwise remains hidden.  This experience brings out the true reality of who and what we are.  This experience is repeated oft times in a person’s life.  The more he walks with God, the more he falls upon the Solid Rock of his salvation for a time of brokenness.  A holy time.  A wonderful experience.

There were times in my life when I was pushed to the limit.  There was the newspaper route delivery during the blizzard of 1997.  There was the second change of High Schools in three years.  There were the many challenges in ministry that drove me to my knees.  There was the death of loved ones year after year.  Then there was the task of dragging two dead deer three miles out of a wilderness preserve.  Or, on that same trip, becoming temporarily lost while having the charge of two young men.  These times and many more drove me to my limit.  But one particular time had driven me to the point of complete brokenness.  There was nothing I could do.  I was totally at the mercy of a gracious God.  It was this time that God broke me like never before.  I wouldn’t want to ever have to go through that again.  But I also wouldn’t trade it for the world.  The growth which the LORD was gracious to grant was the largest since the first few years of salvation.  It was beyond difficult.  I would not have survived had it not been for the LORD.

I would encourage all who claim the name of Christ to pray for such an experience.  It doesn’t stop at salvation.  You fell upon the mercy of God and it broke your pride and fear.  There are other things that need to be broken.  Fall upon Him while He is near.  The transformation is miraculous.  It is traumatic.  But it is wonderful.  Fall upon Him.  Allow Him to break your will.  Allow Him to remove all that needs pruning no matter how painful it might be.  On the flip side, He will transform you like you could never imagine.

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