Monday, August 6, 2018

Bothersome Brotherhood

“Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?” (Mal 2:10 AV)

There is a little context needed here to see the full impact of the truth which the Spirit has for us today.  Note in particular the treachery that one deals against his brother has to do with profaning the covenant of their fathers which they had with God.  Think on that a bit.  The covenant which God made with Israel’s descendants was, and still is, unconditional.  However, if (and they did) the descendants of Abraham broke their end of the covenant by neglecting the law, then God can (and did) suspend the agreement.  The LORD will honor it again when Christ returns.  Now, there begs a question.  How is it that in neglecting the law of God resulting in the suspending of the covenant be defined as dealing treacherously with one’s brother?  Wouldn’t it be treachery against God?

We do not live in a vacuum.  Our actions effect more than just us.  When we are disobedient, it affects all those around us.  Just imagine what a car ride would be like with nine children in tow.  Trust me, if only one of us acted up, it affected the whole car ride.  Such was the case many times.  We would be on our way to grandma’s house and two siblings would begin to act up.  My father, not one to let things slip from his control, would do a masterful job of getting things under control all the while navigating at highway speeds to our destination.  He mastered the art of the back-hand slap, over the front bench seat to the child behind him.  Or, there was the one-hundred-eighty-degree pinch.  That one hurt!  He would reach around the driver’s seat and grab as much flab as he could.  The thing is, when Dad gave us a dress down, even those of us who were behaving were put in a more somber mood.  One person’s acting out affected us all.

So, too, is it in the family of God.  We fail to realize that when we do not walk with the LORD, we effect the entire condition of God’s family.  When there is a break in fellowship between the child of God and our Father, the whole body feels it.  It is selfish to think that we can do as we wish and not care how it affects those around us.  The word ‘treacherous’ is a dramatic one.  It means to act deceitfully.  It means to cease to be ethical.  Unfair or faithlessly.  We cannot do that to someone whom we claim to be related to or love.  Our choices affect all.  Therefore, our lives should protect all.

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