Saturday, August 25, 2018


“And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things.” (Lu 24:46-48 AV)

There is so much in these three verses.  That to which the Spirit drew the attention this morning was two phrases.  “…behoved…” and “…ye are witnesses…”  The only way mankind was going to be redeemed towards their Creator was that Christ was to suffer and rise again.  The only way mankind was going to hear of it was the preaching of it.  This is what is behooved.  If this is true, then those who have witnessed these things have an unction from which there is not escape.  These are the things that are behooved. 

There is not other way around it.  Angels are not going to descend to preach the gospel.  Works will not save a man’s soul.  This sacrifice and the means to publish it were ordained before the world began.  That word ‘…behoove…’ is an astounding word.  In the Greek, it means absolutely necessary.  It means the whole plan will fall apart if not accomplished.  When Christ says it behooved him to die and rise, and that this news is published, He is saying that if one or both are not accomplished, there is no salvation brought to man.

As much as it was necessary for Christ to die and rise again, it is equally necessary for His gospel to be shared with a lost and dying world.  Silence is not an option.  Choice to share or not share in not on the menu.  If we have witnessed the power of the resurrected Christ in our hearts and on our souls, then it behooves us to share that news with others no matter the consequences.  Sure, it will probably not go well.  We will be rejected.  We will be mocked.  We will be persecuted.  But there is no other way.  It behooves us as much as it behooved Christ, to publish glad tidings of peace with God to a lost and dying world.

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