Thursday, August 9, 2018

Public Declarations

“What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.” (Mt 10:27 AV)

When we think of someone making proclamation from a housetop, we are probably considering calling the men in the white coats for a house visit.  This would not be normal behavior.  This would be considered abnormal.  What the LORD is speaking of here would not be abnormal because of the cultural use of the housetops.  What we are challenges with here in this text is to become as declarative in our faith in Christ as we have been of other things.  Let me explain.

The housetops in this part of the world at that time were a normal place for a proclamation.  These rooftops were flat.  It was not out of the ordinary to have some sort of activity on the housetop.  It was a place for religious observance such as prayer and meditation.  It was used for entertaining guests.  There may even be a separate bedchamber for a visiting guest.  One of the activities that was quite normal was the declaration or proclamation of news.  Primarily, the calling of a congregation for a holiday feast.  The owners of the homes would ascend to their housetops at a designated time, blow a trumpet, and declare the beginning of a special event.  There were times when a special announcement was made from the housetop.  Perhaps the birth of a child or engagement of a young lady.  No matter the reason, proclamations from the housetops was common.

What the LORD is telling his disciples was to use a public and acceptable way to preach the gospel.  Sometimes we are too embarrassed to share the gospel with those around us, but not too embarrassed to support our favorite sports team.  We will proudly show off pictures of our children or grandchildren at the water cooler, but we will not share the image of Christ as found in the scriptures.  There are those who are comfortable preaching on a street corner, but they have little courage to engage someone in the normal course of life.  Engaging conversation in the normal course of life is far more effective in reaching the lost than making a fool of oneself, becoming a turn off to the public at large.  What Jesus is encouraging his disciples to do is be public of their faith, but in a way that the public will not ridicule.  The real challenge for us today is to be consistent.  To share our faith as we would anything else!  More so, as we see the lost dying without Christ.

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