Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Get Out and Stay Out

“Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” (Joh 12:31 AV)

The prince of this world is the devil.  What was cannot do is confuse two events.  In revelation chapter twelve, we are taught the devil is cast out from heaven forever and is cast upon the earth.  Peter tells us the devil is a roaring lion, wandering about this earth in search of those whom he may devour.  Paul tells us in Second Corinthians the devil actively steals the word of God from the hearts of those who do not wish to believe.  And we are further told the devil, after one thousand years of imprisonment, will be loosed to tempt the nations.  If the devil is still active and will be active the future, of what is the LORD referring?  How can the devil be cast out if he is not?  The context is the death and resurrection of Christ being the event that casts out the devil.  Yet, he is still here?  Of what is the Lord speaking?

If we look at the casting out of Satan as merely a one (or two – depending on how one looks at it) event, then this statement does not make sense.  However, if we look at it as a process a much as an event, then the statement not only becomes clearer; it becomes a source of great rejoicing.  What confuses the statement even more is the tense of the verbs.  ‘Now’ is in the present tense.  ‘Cast’ is in the future tense.  How can both be true?  One way is to look at the casting out as a process as much as an event.

When Christ died and rose again, the salvation of mankind was complete.  No more does the devil have hope that he can condemn the entire human race.  If Jesus does not die and rise, there is no salvation and the devil’s desire to destroy what God loves comes to pass.  The devil wins.  That is not what happened.  Praise God.  Jesus Christ suffered and died that He might take upon Himself the wrath of God for our sins.  He rose victorious over the curse of death.  This ended the stronghold to which the devil lay claim.  From that day forward, the process of removing the devil’s stronghold began.  There are two events wherein the devil is physically cast out.  But for now, one soul at a time, the devil is cast out!  Praise be to God we worship the Winner and watch the loser suffer!

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