Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Laser Focused

“The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.” (Lu 11:34 AV)

Our LORD here defines the difference between an evil eye and a godly eye.  The eye, of course, being that organ of the body, which has the greatest influence over the mind and will.  What our eye is attracted to is that which the mind will entertain and that after which the body will seek.  The eye, in other words, is for all intents and purposes, the mind.  Specifically speaking here, it is what the mind is focused on, or focused at all.

What the Spirit has illumined today is very simple.  A scatter-brained mindset leads to darkness.  No focus towards a goal leads to no point in what is accomplished.  Or, if anything is accomplished at all.  There is no light.  There is no growth.  There is no direction.  The only pursuit is that which is immediately in front of one’s mind.  There is no end game.  There is no end of a race.  It is like working through a maze with no exit.  Going from one interest to another without connection, reason, or progress.  That upon which we need to meditate is the more we are focused on our divine purpose, the more light we are given.  The more we remain singly focused on the will of God, the more growth is achieved.

A few weeks ago, we attended the Wisconsin State Fair.  It is the epitome of distraction.  I don’t care much for things like this.  There seems to be no purpose.  The one even that we enjoyed the most was the Clydesdale horse judging.  I learned some things.  The experience was truly focused.  The first-place winner was a magnificent animal and we had the privilege of visiting with the owners.  But then back out among all the other attractions we went.  For what purpose?  All the horrible junk food to tempt the body.  The games of chance which only rob one of hard-earned money.  I found myself learned the layout of the land so that I knew how to exit.  Too much input.  Too much distraction.

We are distracted from our focus on the LORD by any and all means the world and the devil can conjure up.  We are drawn away from that which is important.  We compartmentalize our walk with God as a part of our lives but not the sole purpose of our lives.  It is something, among many other things, that require our attention.  But our walk with God is not the sole object to which we are focused.  And we wonder why we are spiritually stunted.

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