Friday, August 24, 2018

All For His Glory

“And it shall turn to you for a testimony.” (Lu 21:13 AV)

The context here is persecution in the last days.  The LORD is assuring his disciples that when put into circumstances that may end in their deaths, this will turn for an opportunity to testify for the LORD.  Many are not comforted by these words.  Our flesh would rather not be given that opportunity.  We would rather live out our days with minor discomfort, serving the LORD with minimal consequence.  But there is a great lesson here.  A lesson of priorities.  A lesson that is sadly lost, for the most part, in our present generation.

Just yesterday, I was contemplating the reality of failing Christian schools.  More and more, they are closing down.  They are closing down for only one reason.  Parents do not see the value in training their children in the word of God.  They do not see the value of producing a life for the glory of God.  And that, my dear readers in the crux of the matter.  It reveals the principle which we see above.  The priority of using one’s life for nothing more than the glory of God.  Of seeing our lives and our salvation as an opportunity to bring attention to the LORD Jesus Christ.  Shall we say, for a testimony of the love, grace, and power of our Savior?  That which we must meditate upon is the reality these disciples were not worried about the physical pain or trouble they would go through in the midst of persecution.  What they were troubled by is the purpose of it.  Would it turn for a testimony?  Would it matter?  Would there be eternal fruit from it?  Would the LORD Jesus Christ be magnified?

There is another application here.  No matter what we go through, good or bad, it is intended to turn for a testimony for the LORD Jesus Christ.  Whether comfortable or not, it needs to be seen as an opportunity for the LORD.  We are a mere tool in the grand plan for God’s glory.  The humble child of God who loves his Savior deeply desires his life to mean something for Him.  Our faith is not something to consume.  It is not a commodity to be selfishly used.  Our relationship with the LORD is one that is intended to reflect back on our Creator.  We desire that.  The Spirit has given us this hunger.  Why squelch it?  Why not embrace it?  Why not seek something bigger than ourselves?  Why not allow all events in our life to turn for a testimony?

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