Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Law of Return

“And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.” (Lu 18:29-30 AV)

This is a promise that every parent with children in the ministry counts on.  It is one that is claimed.  But it is one that also must be meditated upon.  The blessings in this life which replace what was sacrificed are not easily seen.  They have to be examined.  Once accepted by faith, the mind’s eye must anticipate and watch.  These blessings are there if one knows what to look for.

I may not have my sons close by my side, but what I do have are the words of other preachers whom I don’t even know giving God the glory for what He has done through our family.  I may not have my daughters-in-law nearby, but what I do have is three amazing ladies who know the meaning of words like sacrifice, patience, devotion, love, character, and godliness.  I many not have my grandchildren just around the corner, but what I do have is four young lives who will live a life that most will never have the privilege nor appreciate as much as they do.  They will grow up in a home with parents who love the LORD with their whole heart. 
They will grow up in a home with parents who live for a God and His plan that is much bigger than life itself.  They will learn that life is not about them.  It is about the LORD and the purpose He has for them.  A greater purpose than a mere paycheck.  A greater purpose than attaining things.  They will witness a home that is happy, content, humble, and possess a sense of gratitude that comes with service to our King.  I may not have all that others have.  And from time to time it hurts.  I would be lying if I said there are never tears shed.  They come often.  But the truth of the verse above is one upon which we can rely.  Even if there were no such things as heavenly rewards, when God blesses with a family that knows what sacrifice and separation are, it is blessing enough.

I pity the parents that do everything in their power to keep their family close by.  They are insecure without their children and grandchildren within arm’s reach.  They do not understand that life, although at times will be painful, can be far richer than they could ever dream.  The world encourages us the heap to ourselves temporary blessings of this life.  Ball games and birthday parties.  Picnics and family outings.  Those things are precious, but will be forgotten in eternity.  Planting a church in a village, preaching a teen camp where lives are changed, or bringing the word of God to a weary church seeking for revival will have lasting and eternal blessings associated with it!  Praise be to God.

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