Saturday, August 18, 2018

Looking For That Blessed Hope

“And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.” (Lu 2:25 AV)

Simeon was a devout man who walked with God and had the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  The later was a privilege not afforded to many in the dispensation of the Old Testament.  This was only reserved for priests, kings, and prophets.  For Simeon to have the Holy Ghost upon him meant that he was either one of the three, or he was a special case.  What we want to notice today is his waiting.  He was waiting for the coming of the Messiah and prayed that if it be possible, he would not die until he saw this glorious event.  Something told him he may be able to see such a thing in his lifetime.  To his spiritual situation before the LORD, it wouldn’t have changed a thing.  He walked with God whether he saw the Messiah or not.  What it did mean was the satisfaction in seeing the plan of God come to pass.  This is why we look to the heavens, hoping to see the rapture.  The same desire in the heart of Simeon is the desire all those who wish for the glory of God share.

One wonders what it was that led Simeon to believe he might experience the pleasure of meeting the Christ.  My first guess would be a thorough knowledge of the word of God.  If he was a student of the book of Daniel, he had to notice the majority of it came to pass.  There were still some pieces missing, but the vast majority of it was fulfilled.  If he knew the promises of Isaiah and the minor prophets, the star rising in the east over the town of Bethlehem did not pass his notice.  If he understood the prophecies of men since long past, he could not help but hear of, and rejoice at, the declaration of the angles to the shepherds in the fields.  Too many things were coming to pass that suggest the coming of the Messiah was still hundreds, if not thousands, of years away.  It may not have been in his lifetime, but it may have been as well.

The thing is, no man knows the day or hour. So, it could be today.  But it could be a thousand years from now.  Both are equally able to happen.  The saint with a heart for the glory of God desires to see God glorified in His coming.  We don’t look for the coming of Christ as an escape first and foremost.  We look for the coming of Christ so that He will set up His kingdom and all men will honor and worship Him!  Glory!  We look for His appearing so that He is the center of creation.  So He is honored! So He is worshipped! So His enemies are defeated!  Amen and Amen!

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