Friday, August 10, 2018

Faith In God's Ability Not Enough

“Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” (Mt 15:28 AV)

Sometimes our lack of faith is not in the ability of God, but rather, in the nature of God.  When the LORD rewarded this gentile woman for her faith, it was not her faith in the ability of Christ to heal her loved one.  She proved that by approaching and asking.  The context is Christ being sent unto the lost sheep of Israel and not the Gentiles.  Yet, she argued that even the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table.  She was making an absolute statement of her faith in the mercy of God.  Surely, if she was willing to exercise faith in asking, she could have equal faith that God would show mercy.

The reason we have a problem with our faith in the nature of God is that we are still trying to prove that we deserve it our have in some way earned it.  But this is contrary to mercy and grace.  There is no way we can earn it or it wouldn’t be mercy and grace.  I knew of a man who suffered such a torture.  He was going through significant trials all at once.  One of those trials was trouble from the adversary.  In his mind, he believed he was doomed.  He believed that God wanted to destroy him for all that he has done in his life.  He was saved, walking with God, and serving God faithfully.  Yet, the past still haunted him.  He didn’t have a problem encouraging others in the mercy of God.  Surely God’s grace would extend to others.  But he had a problem believing God’s grace applied to him.  For salvation, absolutely.  But for the rest of his life, not so much.  It wasn’t until he cried out to the LORD and reasoning that if God’s grace applied to others, surely it applied to him, that God moved mountains for him.

There are two wrong reactions we can have towards the grace and mercy of God.  We can either presume upon it and make choices in life which we know are wrong, expected God to bail us out.  Or, we can presume that God is always angry with us and never see not ask for His grace.  Both are wrong.  Faith in His ability is not enough.  Faith in His nature must also be exercised.  Knowing that God’s eyes roam the earth in search of those to whom He can show Himself strong is the basis of faith in His nature.  If God is merciful and full of grace towards others, He will be towards you as well.

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