Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Integrity of Availability

“And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?  They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.” (Mt 20:6,7 AV)

Just think how much integrity it took to stay in the market for almost an entire day looking for work until the last working hour of the day.  Most would assume there comes a time when time is money and waiting for work for an entire day is wasteful.  Not these laborers.  Those who were hired at the beginning of the day may have had integrity.  But we will never know because they were hired at the beginning of the day.  To make oneself available for hire up to the very last-minute takes integrity and an honorable work ethic.  To make oneself available for service no matter how much or little the opportunity would be is a person of character.  These men did not lack for character or initiative.  They lacked for opportunity.

It is often said this parable was the LORD’s way of describing rewards given to different times of a dispensation.  The early church had a wide open door.  The church prior to the rapture, not so much.  The point He is making is that God rewards willingness and initiative, not necessary results based on opportunity.  This is what those hired at the beginning of the day could not understand.  But we want to look at it from the perspective of the later day laborer.

Years ago, I caddied with my sons at a private club.  I got these boys up really early so that we were the first ones there.  More times than not, we were the last ones to be called.  They didn’t like if very much when I made them stay until it was obvious there were no more loops to be had.  When the vast majority of other caddies left, we were still there.  Sitting out in the caddy yard waiting for a member to show.  They didn’t understand that one has to pay their dues.  But even if we were not rewarded for our integrity and initiative, it was still the right thing to do.  The most profitable single loops we ever worked were those loops when everyone else went home.  We still got paid the same as those who went out early.  Sometimes, even more.

As we are confronted with a failing dispensation where it seems as though fewer and fewer truly come to Christ, the integrity of the saint will be tested.  Will he remain faithful even though opportunity wasn’t what it once was.  Will he still knock on doors?  Will he still teach a Sunday School class even though it is a fraction of what it used to be?  Will he still come to church?  Will he still tithe?  Will the church still seek ways to serve the LORD even though opportunity is becoming less and less?  It all boils down to character and integrity.

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