Friday, August 27, 2021

What Are We Working At?

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” (Joh 6:28 AV)


This is a great question.  One that everyone, especially the saints, should be asking.  The question was sincere.  But it was also a bit misinformed.  Our Savior’s reply was to accept Him as their Savior and Messiah.  Only then could they work the works of God.  For the lost, there is a clear application.  If we are to live in the power of God, it starts with confession of sin and the acceptance of Jesus as our Savior.  Once that occurs, we can then ask the question above in sincerity AND truth.  It is a good question.  It points to our goals and desires in life.  What do we want the most?  Do we want to do the works of God?  Or, are we content to do the works of the flesh?  Do we want to be used of the Holy Spirit in ways that impact our world far more than that which we can do in our own power?  What is it that we want to do?  The question above may have been posed a bit too prematurely by the one asking it, but it is still a great question.

When you are younger, you aspire to many things.  Watching those who are well in talents of their own, the young person wishes to grow up and do what he observes others doing.  Perhaps a pro athlete impresses the youngster and he desires to accomplish more than his role model.  Maybe this young person when to a classical concert and was impressed at the lead violinist.  He or she dreams of one day performing in a concert much like the one he or she is attending.  Perhaps other role models inspire a young person.  A teacher; a law enforcement officer; a medical professional; a lawyer; or even a preacher.  They see what this proficient individual can accomplish and sets a goal of doing the same.  The important thing is to foster this desire in a young person.  My youngest went from athlete to law enforcement to engineer to the ministry.  He has desires.  He wanted to do something with his life.  He still does.  He is not content to simply exist.  He wants more than that.  This is what we are thinking of this morning.

Do we have a burning desire to do the works of God?  Do we want to see our neighborhoods transformed because we took the time to speak with our neighbors?  Do we want to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our pulpits and pews so much so that the zeal of an entire congregation ramped up beyond our imagination?  What do we want to do?  What is it that we aspire to?  Do we even care?  Are we so temporally minded that the biggest aspiration is providing for our temporal needs?   Where are those who see life as bigger than it appears?  Where are the visionaries?  Where are the movers and shakers?  Where are those who are so filled with ambition for the gospel kingdom that they will not rest until God calls them home?  It used to be years ago, the entire church would come out for soul-winning.  It used to be no matter where one went, a gospel tract would be lying around.  Where has it all gone?  It starts with desire.  Do we desire to do the works of God?  These people did and it changed the world.

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