Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Joy Over One

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Lu 15:7 AV)


No context is needed here, either.  Pretty straightforward.  Our LORD reminds us just how joy-filled heaven is when a lost soul comes to Christ.  Three is joy in heaven over even one soul that repents and comes to Him than over ninety-nine souls that are living in the righteousness of Christ.  The context around this statement is the story of the prodigal.  In particular, the righteous son is in view here, too.  He never rejoiced that his backslidden brother came back home. He remained in the fields, working out his bitterness behind a shepherd's crook.  What a pity.  When the household with his father’s friend was celebrating the return of a son they thought was dead, this bitter brother was brooding over it all.  There should be great rejoicing at the salvation of a soul. So much more than any other event in the life of a saint or church.  When even one soul comes to Christ, there should be great rejoicing that resonates throughout the body of Christ.  There should be a great joy.

Our assistant pastor has seven children.  They just had their last about a year ago.  Their oldest is a junior in college and the youngest is a year old.  What is truly remarkable when one watches this family is how each child treats the baby.  There is no animosity.  There are no sibling rivalries.  There is only joy in this young boy’s life.  This young man has so much attention, he doesn’t know what to do with himself.  Each of his siblings is actively involved in his entertainment, training, and support. And it shows.  This little guy is so secure that his personality is blossoming.  He is not trying to search for himself.  He interacts with his siblings as though he has always been there.  There is no fighting.  There is no aggression.  And when this little man is in the room, he is the center of attention.  His siblings do not compete.  They are thrilled this young guy is there and rejoice with him as they enjoy life together.

Just a week ago, our state fair ended.  The booth I volunteer with had the privilege to lead almost 100 people to professions in Christ.  The LORD was gracious enough to allow me to lead a young man to a saving knowledge of Jesus.  This should result in great rejoicing.  If heaven is rejoicing, then the church should as well.  Leading someone to Christ is the greatest experience a saint could share.  It is like having a child.  It is a joy that seems to never fade.  The years of bassinettes and diapers are long gone.  But my sons are forever a joy to my heart.  Without them, my life would be a lot emptier.  So, too, is the winning of the lost to Crist.  If we are not living in the joy of even one soul coming to Christ, then we have lost the wonder of what it means to serve the LORD.  We need our joy back!

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