Saturday, August 28, 2021

He Will Never Flee

The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” (Joh 10:13-14 AV)


The implication here is simple.  A hireling will not care for the sheep if a greater threat is perceived than the hireling is willing to face.  It is implied the hireling loves his own life and safety more than the sheep.  This is not so with Jesus.  He loves His sheep more than He loves Himself.  When a threat is perceived, He faces that threat for the sake of the sheep.  This He did at Calvary’s cross.  There is an application here for those called into full-time Christian service.  That being, your love for the sheep should be greater than anxiety over a perceived threat.  Yet, the most comforting thought that could apply to us all is the fact that Jesus Christ is not threatened by anything or anyone.  Thus, He will not flee.

A story is told of a hospital that was in peril.  In the center of a hurricane threat, this hospital was taking on water rather quickly.  The lower floors had been evacuated and patients removed to a different location.  However, one important patient was recovering from an organ transplant who was on the top floor.  With that patience was a tradesman to keep electricity coming, a nursing staff, and the patient’s doctor.  As the water rose, it was determined the mechanical structure of the building was going to fail.  All needed to be evacuated.  However, this patient was too weak to move.  Now wanted all to lose their lives, the tradesman and nursing staff were evacuated.  That left the doctor, patient, and rescue personnel.  What made this event even more dramatic was the identity of the patient.  He was a well-known and ruthless criminal who was responsible for hundreds of deaths as well as countless crimes.  There was no redeemable value to him.  At least where society was concerned.  The rescue personnel pled with the doctor to evacuate.  This sorry excuse for a human being was not worth his life.  But, he wouldn’t.  All others left this patience.  I may have done so myself.  But this doctor cared for his patient more than he cared for his own life.  He would stay by his patient’s side no matter what.

We have one greater than any doctor or herdsman.  We have a Savior who will never leave us nor forsake us.  Paul said,  “For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state.” (Php 2:20 KJB)  We are hirelings.  We will not care for someone, no matter how dedicated we are, as Jesus would.  There is no comparison.  When we feel as though life is too difficult to handle, Jesus is there.  When we feel all alone, let us remember that Jesus is always there.  There is no reason He would ever leave.  If we are at fault, then He patiently waits for our repentance, ready to reconcile us to Himself once again.  There is no reason to feel abandoned or alone.  If we know Jesus Christ as our Savior, this simply is not the case.  The Good Shephard knows His sheep.  And we know Him.

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