Sunday, August 8, 2021

Let The Light In

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Mt 6:23 AV)


There is no degree of good darkness versus bad darkness.   All darkness is great darkness.  Jesus is speaking of spiritual light and life.  If our eye, or that which light enters, is skewed towards the darkness of evil and error, then darkness is what we have.  As far as light and life, and obscurity is almost as bad as total obscurity.  Therefore, the gate of input should be fixed towards righteousness and life.  These inputs are not merely the eyes.  But the ears and the mind as well.  What we allow in will either shed light and life or bring darkness.  And the darkness is great.

Driving in winter is a bit challenging.  Add to that a defroster that is not one hundred percent, and it can be downright harrowing.  In my young married life, my wife and I had this large station wagon.  It was a tank, to say the least.  As was the case with all my vehicles, this one had problems.  It had a constant problem with the cooling system.  It had a mind of its own.  I changed the thermostat, checked the water pump, and flushed and filled the radiator.  We could never figure out the problem with it.  IN the winter, this got very difficult.  The defroster and heater never really poured out the heat.  This made driving in a snowstorm very difficult.  One such time we were traveling back from my in-laws.  We lived about an hour away.  The falling show was of the heavy and wet variety.  As we traveled, then snow melted on the windshield.  But then it refroze as ice.  My heater could not keep the windshield warm enough to keep the melted snow thawed so the wipers could wipe it away.  As we traveled, ice formed from the outside to the center of my windshield.  At first, it was tolerable.  But the more it snowed, the quicker my windshield filled in.  Every ten minutes or so, I had to pull over and scrape my windshield.  Even though I may have had a hole the size of a softball to peer through, it may have been completely iced over.  I was driving blind.

There are no degrees of tolerable spiritual darkness.  If we are acclimated towards sin, then our life soul is filled with darkness.  And that darkness is great.  This is the warning of our LORD and Savior.  If we are acclimated towards righteousness, then we have light and life in the soul.  Our Dear Friend and LORD is trying to tell us our lives are full of misery and darkness because of the input we allow into our souls.  And it is very dark.  It is great.  There is no subtly here.  There are no degrees of darkness.  Darkness is great!  Time to open the shades and let the sunlight in.  Time for the hope and grace of God’s truth to be the light of our lives.  Time to block out the darkness and allow the glorious gospel of the grace of God to shed abroad in our hearts.

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