Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Trust The Master

The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.” (Pr 3:19 AV)


The implication above is that if God’s wisdom could create and sustain all of the universe, surely it can guide us in our path of life.  The complexity of all that we see is infinite.  How do I know?  Because there is no end to documentaries and nature films detailing some wonderous discovery of God’s hand.  The fact man can never stop learning of his material world points to a Creator with infinite knowledge and ability.  I remarked in an earlier post regarding the work secular mathematicians and scientists finished concluding that our universe is so well balanced life can only exist on Earth alone.  If another planet had conditions favorable to life, Earth would not.  When one considers the vast amount of heavenly bodies and how they all must be perfectly in their place for life to exist on one planet, the majesty of God is evident.  Again, the implied question which results from the statement above is: if God can create and sustain such a complex universe perfectly to sustain life, then why do we doubt His ability to guide us through life?

Computers can be a wonderful thing.  One of my favorite subjects while attending High School was technical drafting.  I really didn’t get into architectural drafting.  One of the coolest things was hot a three-view rendering of an object could infer information from one view to another.  For instance: a measurement from the top view and a measurement from the bottom view could intersect in the side view.  However, the days of drafting tables, scales, and calculators are gone.  With today’s technology, entering some information and not all information would suffice.  A computer can extrapolate a 3D rendering so precisely, the designer is free to grab a cup of coffee while the computer is calculating.  The computer can even figure out load variances, tolerance, and a host of other calculations at the same time.  What once took months or years, the computer can do in a matter of minutes.  Our treasurer is an amazing servant of God.  He has our finances figured and projected on a spreadsheet.  Just a few numbers and I have more data than most pastors.  It is astounding.  If our computers can do all this, why wouldn’t we trust them to balance our checkbook?

God has it all in His hand.  To Him, our lives are very simple.  Compared to all He has created, our two-decade-long life isn’t all that complex.  To us, our lives can become very complex.  Health care decisions, financial hardships, marriage struggles, the purpose of life, etc. can all be overwhelming.  To us, they are confusing and complex.  To the LORD, not so much.  When we went to school, if there was a problem, we wouldn’t hesitate to ask the teacher. If we were confused about a lesson or our responsibilities, we would seek out the instructor.  He or she had all the answers we needed.  We wouldn’t think twice about disregarding the counsel of our teacher.  Why, then, do we do so with the LORD?  If He created it all and controls it all, it would stand to reason He would also have all the answers we would ever need.  It boils down to faith.  Do we trust the Creator to sustained His creation and give us guidance to make it along our way?

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