Monday, August 9, 2021

God Notices Even The Smallest Sacrifice

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” (Mt 10:29-31 AV)


What has always piqued my curiosity regarding this statement is from my perspective, it seems as though something untoward happens to these two sparrows.  The sparrow who falls to the ground has lost his life.  The phrase ‘falling to the ground’ is an oft-used phrase to describe death.  Most commentators write of the relative worthlessness of sparrows.  A farthing was the least denomination one could carry.   The going rate of sparrows at the time was ten sparrows for five farthings.  A half a farthing for one sparrow.  However, one could not purchase any less than ten.  This is certainly a cursory application to this passage.  If the Father cares for, and controls, the destiny of one worthless sparrow, how much more does He have our lives in the palm of His hand.  But I think the meaning can go deeper than this.  When we study the sparrow and find that the sparrow was the offering made on behalf of a healed leper, the picture of what Jesus was saying gets all the more clearer.  According to Leviticus chapter four, once a leper was declared clean, he was to offer two sparrows.  The first one was set free.  The second would fall to the ground.

There are times when we question whether what we are doing for the sake of others is appreciated.  Especially when it costs us something.  Ministry is not easy. It will always exact a cost greater than our estimation.  We spend time, resources, and energy in helping those who desperately need our help and often see little reward for our efforts.  We invest in a soul only to have the majority of those in whom we invested fall backward.  There are costs to doing ministry which few will ever know.  The effort that goes into calling, praying and teaching is known by only a few.  In our text, the implication is one might have to lay down his life for the sake of another soul.  Our comfort is God’s recognition and care.  If the Father knows of and recognizes the offing of, one little sparrow for the cleansing of a leper, then surely He knows and cares of all that we sacrifice to help others along their spiritual walk with God.

Lepers are a picture of a sinner.  The sparrow is compared to the disciple.  The picture here is profound.  The disciple offers his life that one sinner might be cleansed and God notices.  We have to be reminded of God’s appreciation for what we do.  We are not good at recognizing the efforts of others.  We don’t always say thank you.  Even more so a sinner who has been turned towards the grace of God.  They are thankful to Jesus for saving them.  But how often do you hear a testimony of the one who led them to Christ?  Rarely does the saint acknowledge the work of the one who was a faithful ambassador.  As it should be.  Jesus gets all the credit!  But it is nice to know that when we sacrifice, God notices.  He notices every sacrifice no matter how insignificant it may seem to others.  God knows and God appreciates everything you do that turns to the salvation of souls!

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