Friday, August 13, 2021

Always There

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Mt 28:20 AV)


What a comforting promise.  It is a misnomer of life that we can have a trouble-free one.  God never promises this.  What Jesus does promise is disciples are His ever-abiding presence.  His faithful Apostle, Peter, warns us of certain persecution.  Those fiery trials are guaranteed.  If we choose Jesus Christ as our LORD and savior, we can be certain the adversary will not be pleased.  The world, the flesh, and the devil will be ruthless in their attempt to discourage and defeat us.  As we seek to share the love of Christ with others, the opposition will be frequent and furious.  The LORD knows this.  He knew this two thousand years ago.  So, He gave them and us a promise that no matter where we are in the world, or no matter the circumstances of life which we face, He will be there. 

Anyone who has ever had a toddler knows they get really nervous unless they are in the company of someone they know.  Countless times the scenario of a baby's wales as they are dropped off at the nursery play out on any given Sunday.  That little child has the look of fear and disappointment in their eyes and the mother drops him or her off.  The screams are as if that young person is going to die a painful death.  Separation anxiety is at an all-time high.  As the mother attempts to remove her child from her hip, that child grabs anything he or she can to stay attached.  Many a clump of hair has been lost at the drop-off door of a church nursery.  Remember the first time your young child spent the night alone in his bedroom.  The separation didn’t last long as they crawled into Mom’s bed.  Then they invented a great way to assuage a young child’s anxiety.  The two-way intercom.  When the child fusses, Mom or dad can sing them back to sleep.  The sound of a familiar voice is always there.

Theologians debate the meaning of the word ‘world’.  Some think Jesus is speaking of the physical world and the promise is to be with the disciple no matter where in creation he might be.  Others this the world means the end of the age.  Or, the promise is to the group, representing the church, and that Jesus will be with us down through the end of time.  I think it is both.  In other words, no matter where we are or when we are, Jesus is always there.  There is no place we can go where Jesus is not.  He is in every place and every circumstance.  It doesn’t matter if we sense Him or not.  Feelings do not determine His presence.  If we cannot sense His presence, it is not He that is blocking it.  He is there, whether we are aware or not.  Like a baby who cannot see Mom or Dad, He is there even if we are so preoccupied with the affairs of this life that we cannot see Him clearly.  Mom and Dad are in the room even though we might be on the floor crying, thinking they have abandoned us.  Jesus is always there and we must keep this at the forefront of our minds and hearts.  What a comfort.

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