Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Unavoidable Question

When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Mt 16:13 AV)


This is a question every human being will have to face.  The disciples knew the answer to this question.  They had a feel for the pulse of the people.  They answered the people believed Jesus to be a resurrected John the Baptist, Elias, or some other prophet.  Then Jesus asked, “but whom do you say that I am?”  The same question as stated above, but made much more personal.  It doesn’t matter what the majority thinks.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.  What matters is what each individual thinks.  What do you think?  The question cannot be avoided.  Not even in eternity.  Those who refuse to entertain the question will be forced to contemplate it before their unfortunate eternal destiny.  There is nothing that will stop this question.  It is a personal question.  It is a question that each soul must answer.  There is only one correct answer.  If it is not answered correctly in the timeframe of our temporal life, it will cost us our soul.

By nature, most people do not like to be forced into a position.  We do not like to be backed into a corner.  Our present culture forces us to make decisions.  Even in our churches.  After I assumed my current pastorate, it wasn’t too long before some militant Christians decided to picket my church.  Initially, I was contacted by several people in the pro-life movement whose ministry was to walk a picket line at the local abortion clinic.  They vigorously attempted to recruit me as one of their main speaking representatives because I pastored a local church.  Having prayed about it, I didn’t want my ministry to be defined by one single issue.  Which would have invariably happened.  So, I declined to get involved in that manner.  They would not leave me or the issue alone.  They picketed my church!  Can you imagine?  Fellow believers driving away your church members because they believe they were to only ones who were attacking this issue correctly.  After I ran them off, I more earnestly prayed the LORD would show me what my part in this battle might be.  Even though I disagree with their tactics, I at the very least, appreciated their dedication.  There is a time and a place for this method.  But not at the expense of our primary calling in the saving and disciplining of souls. What this group inadvertently accomplished was forcing me into committing is some way to this issue.  And this we did.  By supporting Alpha Women’s Center, our gifts and focus were on assisting women in crisis pregnancy situations before they show up at an abortion clinic.  It was an uncomfortable journey to get to that point.  But I had to make a decision.

When it comes to Jesus, who do you say that He is?  What does that mean?  Is He God?  If so, what does that answer imply?  If you say He is just like any other man, then what?  If He is God, then why did He come?  If He came to this earth as a man, then what would that mean for you?  Being the Son of God, does dying on a cross have any relevance?  If so, what relevance does it have for you?  If we have received Christ as our Savior, what more is He to you?   Is He also your LORD?  If so, what implications apply to your life right now?  If we say He is our LORD, then do we do those things which please Him?  This question is not an easy one.  This question is the most important question a person will ever have to face.

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