Thursday, August 5, 2021

All In One

And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.” (Zec 14:9 AV)


The Spirit leads this precious prophet to encourage His people regarding the end times.  Between the time of this writing and the fulfillment thereof, Israel will have to go through so very hard times.  At one point, the covenants between the twelve tribes of Israel and the LORD are suspended.  They will have to incur the consequences of their repeated rejection of the holiness of God.  Tough times of correction and challenges to their faith lie ahead.  Even near extermination was on the horizon.  Yet, the prophet knows this will not always be the case.  He knows because the covenants require better days.  The promise above is to a suffering people who have almost lost hope.  This promise is not limited to their reconciliation alone.  No.  This promise is the reclamation of God’s creation to Himself under the person of the LORD Jesus Christ.

We live in a world full of authorities in conflict.  True information is almost impossible to find.  Most resources are controlled by a bias and information shared is usually through a tainted lens.  It may seem like governments are becoming a bit more amorous towards one another.  As socialism spreads to every corner of the globe, it seems as though there might be a pox romano in the making.  However, as James tells us, war stems from lust.  Not political agreement or differences.  As long as there is something another nation wants, there will be war no matter how similar their governing philosophy is.  Homes are broken apart by conflict.  Conflicting goals or interests.  Conflicting values.  But mostly, conflicting authority.  Children are caught in the crosshairs of a battle of the wills.  The time of compromise and unity has long passed.  Chaos is the new norm.  There is no peace.  There is no harmony.  All because authority is in conflict.

The statement is emphatic.  It is absolute.  There is no gray area.  Jesus is coming back and He will be the only authority of record.  There will be one King.  One God.  One government.  One and only one to whom all must account.  Not just some of the earth, mind you.  The entire planet!  There will be no rogue government set up to challenge the King of kings.  No revolution until the thousand years of Satan’s captivity is up.  Then this uprising will end quicker than it started.  When we look at all that mankind is doing, we can be assured this is only temporary.  Talk about peace!  The mind cannot even come close to imagining what God has promised.  The book of Hebrews calls it ‘the rest’.  A very descriptive and accurate term.  Where there is singularity and purity of authority, there is rest.  Where God reigns, there is peace.  This is inevitable.  I may not see this in my lifetime.  But it will happen.  Jesus is coming back and there will only be one King.  And His name will be one.

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